Monday, 22 March 2010

TEFL Jobs in Asia

With travel becoming cheaper and the world getting smaller, it might be tempting to think that there are no new experiences to be had. Well, we have news for you: this definitely isn't the case in Asia! It's one part of the world that has managed to keep the flame of its ancient traditions burning brightly, despite its gleaming, modern side. Its history, diversity and great respect for tradition are amongst the things that Asia is famous for. There's also an abundance of sights worth seeing: the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal, Sunkakuwan Bay, the Tubbataha Reef, Mt.Kinabalu and the industrial hubbub of Tokyo are just the tip of the iceberg!

Though it is a veritable feast for the eyes, Asia is much more than a tourist destination. With so many interesting things to see and experience it's no wonder that people flock to Asia, but you can still find areas untouched by the tourist boom.

Working in Asia will give you a completely different perspective, as you're not just going to lie on the beach (although you'll be forgiven for relaxing by the sea on your days off!). Rural areas are often less-visited and are also where English teachers are scarcest, so you'll see a way of life entirely removed from your own as well as some stunning scenery. In the major cities, living amongst the people you're teaching will give you a chance to try your hand at the local language as well as finding everything from the best street food, to the best place to buy a Kimono and the best place to hear traditional Sitar playing!


Not only does Asia have the largest market for English teachers, it's absolutely huge (breathe in...): Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, North Korea, South Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen... phew!

With so many countries, it's no wonder that cultural diversity is one of the things Asia is so well known for! From riding an elephant in Sri Lanka, to fishing with the locals in Mongolia, sipping green tea in China and surfing the waves in Taiwan, everywhere is open to exploration!

Educational standard

Asia countries are famed for their advances in mathematics and medicine, hundreds of years before the West began to develop, and many countries in Asia are still very forward-thinking. Japan and China have experienced massive economic growth and education is considered a vitally important part of maintaining prosperity, with English language as an important part of both lower and higher levels of education. Countries such as South Korea are improving education and emphasising the importance of the English language and the use of modern technology. In fact, they were the first country to provide high speed internet access to primary, secondary and high schools!

Unforunately, some poorer areas haven't benefitted from the commercial success of the cities and when an education is costly it is all too often forgone. Kerala is the only Indian state to have achieved anywhere near full literacy in primary education, while Bihar struggles with less than half. Learning English is hugely beneficial in these poorer areas, but many have to rely on volunteer work.

Teaching opportunities

The most popular areas for English teaching are Taiwan, Thailand, Japan, China, South Korea and Vietnam. Increasing populations and expanding economies have created a high demand for the English language and the growing middle classes view education as essential for both children and adults alike, so you'll have a wide range of pupils! There's also a great variety of places to teach in, including primary schools, secondary schools, language schools and private schools.

With their increasing appeal to English teachers some countries, have tightened up entry requirements. Japan, Taiwan and Thailand are amongst those where it is now a visa requirement to have a degree if you want to teach English. If you're volunteering, it may not necessarily be an issue but one thing's for sure: any paid work requires a work or working holiday visa, so doing your research is worthwhile.

The Indian subcontinent offers less pay but lots of enthusiasm and appreciation for your hard work. Though paid opportunities can be limited to the more affluent areas, poorer countries have no less to offer culturally and the experience is rewarding enough in itself!


Accommodation in Asia can be as varied as the climate, which ranges from glorious sunshine to chilly snow capped peaks. Wealthy countries have higher standards of accommodation which also reflects the cost of living. Japan is famously expensive but the placements are usually well paid: US$1000 per month on average. Homestays and shared accommodation are kinder to your budget and are more likely to be find when working in the South, where pay is less but so is the cost of living. When a meals costs as as little as 50p, there's not much room for complaint!

Chris Soames - Online TEFL courses with over 20,000 course graduates each year, international accreditation and certification recognised by schools worldwide.

To Teach English abroad is the perfect opportunity for any English speaker to explore the world and immerse themselves in new cultures. Whether you're a trained teacher or a complete beginner, a TEFL qualification is your ticket for the journey of your life.

Contacts: For interviews, images or comments contact: Chris Soames - Marketing & PR

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